Legal information

Who is the publisher?

35580 Pouliguen

Websites :
Publishing director: Thomas Aulne
email :

Who is the host? is hosted by Hostinger. The address of our host is available here:

Editorial line
The Electric bike features articles on the world of electric bike.

Comments on articles
We are of course open to comments. We believe every article can be improved with user feedback. Each comment will require a name and a valid e-mail address.
All comments must be made respectfully and according to the rules. All hateful or defamatory comments will be deleted. We reserve the right to delete links added to comments.

You can contact me to delete a comment.

About affiliate links
We strive to offer free content. To pay for hosting, plugins and domain name, we sometimes offer affiliate links.

Here’s a list of our product affiliation partners:
None at present

What is affiliation?
Affiliation allows you to earn commissions by promoting your products. So when you click on a product link, our partner knows where the site comes from. If you buy a product on the platform, Tutos-informatique earns a commission. Every month, our partners pay us the commissions we need to cover our costs.

We work with the company Ezoic to find a compromise between user experience and remuneration. Ezoic enables us to display targeted advertising.

Finally, some of the advertising is displayed by Google Adsense.
Affiliation is a member of the Amazon EU affiliate program, which enables websites to earn money by linking to