Privacy Policy

Privacy policy

The Privacy Policy has been drawn up for all use of the site (hereinafter referred to as the “Site”) by any legal or natural person, whether legally capable or not, hereinafter referred to as the “User”. This document forms an integral part of the Contract in accordance with the definitions and concepts of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Use. Any person visiting the Site to make contact, consult an article or place an order must comply with these provisions. Failure to comply with the provisions of this Privacy Policy may result in legal action being taken against the perpetrator, it being specified that the responsibility of the legal representative may be called into question in the absence of compliance with the provisions by minors or any person not legally capable. The Site, for its part, undertakes to respect all the provisions of the Confidentiality Policy and to do everything in its power to ensure the full protection of the User’s personal data.

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  1. Use of the Site

The Site, its content and services are intended to be accessible and fully functional with the latest versions of the following operating systems: Microsoft Windows, Android, Mac OS, Linux and the following browsers: Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Safari. In the event of malfunction(s) of the Site caused by an older version of the operating system or browser used, the User is invited to proceed with updates.

All Users undertake to use the Site in accordance with its intended purpose and to comply with all French and European laws and regulations, as well as with the Site’s General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Use. The User acknowledges that the information communicated to the Site is provided in a legal and lawful manner. Any information belonging to a third party must be subject to the prior express agreement of that third party.

  1. Collection of personal data

A User’s information is collected when he or she browses the Site, communicates his or her e-mail address and any personal information requested, places an order or contacts the Site by any means whatsoever.

The personal data collected and stored on the Site are all those entered on the Site when making contact, creating a personal space, subscribing to the newsletter and when placing an order. The User acknowledges that may send him/her e-mails once he/she has entered this information on the Site and has accepted the use of his/her data and the sending of newsletters and promotional offers. The Site also has access to the User’s connection and browsing data (IP address, operating system, etc.).

  1. Protection of personal data

In accordance with Law no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, all Users have the right to query, access, rectify, delete, forget, limit, port and object to their personal data by contacting the Site using the contact form on the Contact page.

Information and supporting documents, as well as all data collected from the Customer, are kept on the Site’s database for the duration of the processing of said information. Once the Order has been completed and delivered in full, the information is kept and stored on a secure server. Information and the User’s personal account are deleted after a period of 36 months without connection.

The Site uses information security techniques to protect User data through access control procedures, cryptographic mechanisms and firewalls in order to prevent unauthorized access to data and to guarantee its confidentiality. However, no security measure can be infallible, and the Site is in no way able to guarantee total and absolute security to the User.

  1. Purpose and legal basis of data processing

Any processing of personal data must have a legal basis set out in Articles 6 and 9.2 of the RGPD in order to be lawful. Personal data may be processed for the purposes of managing orders and carrying out registration on the Site and sending information relating to offers and emails, and finally allow us to respond to the exercise of rights of access, modification, cancellation and opposition, as well as to questions and complaints. The data collected is used to process Contracts and subscriptions to Offers, to manage Training courses and to operate the Site. The legal grounds on which data is used and stored are the Site’s legitimate interests (proper operation of the Site, processing of orders, improvement of services and offers and user assistance), the performance of its obligations, and compliance with the Site’s legal obligations.

  1. Data transmission

The User’s data is not intended to be communicated for reasons other than the proper operation of the service or in order to meet legal obligations and public order. may therefore communicate the User’s data :

  • To service providers outside likely to intervene for the proper management of the Site, orders, articles and blog.
  • Payment solutions (STRIPE and PAYPAL),
  • the Getresponse e-mail solution,
  • External service providers responsible for data storage on a secure server.
  • Administrations and organizations responsible for carrying out formalities.
  • To public bodies and authorities in the context of legal proceedings, litigation, requests from public authorities or for national security purposes, in accordance with the legal and regulatory provisions of public order for which the Site would be obliged to disclose the information requested by the latter.

In addition, other service providers external to may have access to certain User data, namely: the hosting company Hostinger, the newsletter sending solution Getresponse.
The Site applies French and European legislation on partner prospecting, according to which any transmission of a User’s personal data to partners is systematically subject to obtaining the User’s consent.

  1. Hypertext links

In the event of hypertext links on the Site to websites published and/or managed by third parties, the Site is in no way liable. Insofar as no control is exercised over external resources, the User acknowledges that the Site assumes no responsibility for the provision of such links and cannot be held liable for their content, nor for any advertising or promotional offers made via such links. The User is invited to inform the Site of any hypertext link present on the Site that is the source of content contrary to legislation or morality.

  1. Use of cookies

In order to function properly, the Site may use cookies. Cookies are files sent to the browser by a web server with the aim of recording the User’s activities throughout the browsing session. Under no circumstances are cookies intended to access, collect or use personal information. Eliminating cookies from the site may make browsing more complicated, as the User will not be able to access certain Site functions. Each time the User connects to the Site, a temporary cookie will be created that contains no personal data, and this cookie will be deleted as soon as the User closes the browser. Certain cookies are used by the Site for statistical purposes and to track traffic volumes, with the sole aim of developing the Site in accordance with User preferences. The Site may also use cookies to facilitate User access and navigation. Users can control and modify the cookies used by accessing the settings of the browser they are using.

Cookies and third-party trackers:

This site does not store any information that could, on its own, identify individual users of this service without their permission. Any cookies that may be used by this site are used either solely on a per-session basis or to maintain user preferences. Cookies are not shared with third parties.

They expire during or after the session, or after a period not exceeding 12 months, in accordance with CNIL recommendations.

These are cookies or tracers downloaded to your terminal by third-party entities (partners, advertisers, etc.) when you browse certain pages of our site.

These entities have undertaken to comply with current legislation on cookies/trackers, and guarantee the implementation of measures to protect and secure the data collected.

You can authorize, block or delete cookies installed on your computer by setting your browser options. For the most common browsers, you’ll find instructions at the following links:

Internet Explorer
Finally, we would like to inform you that deactivating a cookie could prevent you from browsing or make it difficult to use the services offered on our website.